My Best Friend....

I am a millionaire as I have millions of friends. But my best friend is best-est among them coz she sings. Its so simple na :) that a person who sings, just sings, is my best friend. Yes, that's my criteria for choosing a friend. Any person who touches the flow of my river, my life's river, is my friend. That's why I am getting rich, more rich everyday. Oh I am forgot that, here today, I am going to tell you all about my best friend. My friends are jewels but my best friend is the Kohinoor. She sings, as I had told you earlier. She sings with me. She sings with me in my every sorrow of life. She sings in every bad phrase of my life and whenever my heart breaks. She is my soul mate. She is a dancer too. She dance with me in every happy moment. She is always there for me. Now also, while I am writing this, she is sitting besides me and smiling, not uttering a single word. She always take my side, She stands by me in every decision I make. She is such a darling. I know that my other friends who are reading this will get jealous. For them I want to sprinkle some salt by adding that my best friend is better than you all. So who is my best friend??? This question must be going and going and going in your minds through out the trip of my land of words.... I should add that I am not going to tell her name as she feels shy. But I will tell you her name, but before that any guesses my dear friends??? Yes, you are also my friend, as important as others.......but will you accept my friendship?? If yes, be my inspiration by giving your valuable comments......
Oh I again forgot to tell you her name.
Her name is........
name is.....


  1. hmmm Loneliness ...yyup it can b grt frnd coz it gives u a lot of time to introspect urself, and look at the smaller simpler serene stuffs of life which we often neglect.........!!!! atleast she is better than dos GF's these days :P :D nice post bro

  2. wht's the name of dat girl??????

  3. THANK YOU @ISHAN @Saikat mbka ghosh and @MOHIT for your fantastic comments.....:))) :)
    @MOHIT her name is written at just end of the article... :)


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