I don't know why we stopped talking but someone or something is behind that which I can't even guess. According to my friend even girls can't understand girls then how can I. When someone is dead in the hospital and doctor says" We tried a lot but we can't save him/her". This same thing is going inside my head that I tried to save our friendship a lot but can't save it from sinking. Another chapter closed itself. Should I move or not? why should I wait?. i know what to do. I should go for a new page, a blank one and should try to write something, something which lasts forever. But my another side responds to wait. may be God is testing me again. May be he has some surprise. But when is he going to reveal it???, after seeing the ashes of my heart. Everyday I read my horoscope, I put oil to my hope's lamp . Oh dear God I am tired of your games and here I am lying helpless. Take the heart out of me and bury it in the loveyard next to Romeo-Juliet, Mirza-Sahiba, Sassi-Punnu, Heer-Ranjha, Laila-Majnu and write on my love stone " HERE LIES THE IMMORTAL  HEART OF A LOVER"

copyright: Abhishek Dudeja(I AND PEOPLE)


  1. only one word 4 dis ......
    specialy the doctr n frndshp concpt is xclnt,,,,,:)
    nice wrk dude.....
    but why so sady ....
    jst move on...only aftr dis ur frnd will realize ur imprtnce....

  2. Good thought...However I should admit that your twitter bird is disturbing me with its movement. I find it hard to read. Please ask it not to fly ;)

    village girl

  3. Nice lines,,,Me likes,,,more so for the awesome comparison of doctor and friendship...we all try to save our best but some relations cannot be held on to....

    Cheer up, another will find its way soon..:)

  4. Very nice post Abhishek.Loved reading it..:-)You have a very nice blog..Keep blogging..:-)


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